Sometimes, to get flawless colour at home, you need a little insider information. Here are our tip tips for perfect colour every time.

Perfect grey coverage
Yes, you can achieve 100% grey coverage with Tints of Nature's permanent colour range. But, if you fall into the 'super stroppy' category and have issues covering your silver sparkles, here are some top tips for you.
Top Tip 1
Most grey hair is lacking in essential moisture which makes it hard, coarse and difficult to colour effectively. We recommend using our intensive moisture treatment - Hydrate Treatment - prior to colouring your hair.
You can read more about our treatment range here.
Top Tip 2
For maximum grey coverage ensure at least half of your mixture is an N shade.
For example, if you want to create a lovely golden blonde, mix 25ml 7D (Fashion shade) + 25ml 7N (Natural shade) + 50ml Colourfix.
All of our natural shades contain a larger conditioning base which will therefore provide maximum grey coverage. Alternatively you may choose any natural shade and apply as directed or mix two natural shades to achieve a bespoke colour and optimum grey coverage.

Permanent or semi-permanent?
When should you reach for a permanent hair dye? And when is a semi-permanent the right choice?
Choose a permanent hair dye if:
- You want to cover grey hair
- You want a colour that will grow out rather than wash out
- You're confident that you suit your selected colour
Choose a semi-permanent hair dye if:
- You want to add tone and shine that will be gone in up to 12 washes
- You want to freshen your permanent dye between colouring sessions
- You want to try a new shade to see if you like it before committing to a permanent option
- If you have any allergies or sensitivities to permanent pigments like PPD/PTD/TDS etc.
Check out the Henna Cream range or, if you're feeling daring, the Bold Colours range to see all your semi-permanent options.

Create your own bespoke shade
Just like an artist creates the perfect shade for their canvas, you can easily create a bespoke signature shade with Tints of Nature cruelty-free hair dyes. Some popular examples of great intermixable colour creations are:
10N + 8C = Light Ash Blonde
7R + 4RR = Medium Red Copper
8N + 4M = Mahogany Blonde
We recommend you mix the different Colour Gel's in equal quantities to begin with. For example, mix 25ml of 4N Colour Gel and 25ml of 4C Colour Gel with 50ml Colourfix. Quantities can then be adjusted in future colour sessions to tweak your desired result.
And remember, when intermixing the permanent colours, the Colour Gel to Colourfix ratio should always be the same.

Be super safe and skin test first
Anyone can have a reaction to anything they consume or use on their skin at any time. That's why we recommend doing a skin test before you dye your hair. It's super easy:
- Wash and dry a small area of skin on the inside of your wrist or on the inside of your elbow.
- Apply a small amount of Colour Gel to your chosen area of skin.
- Allow to dry.
- Leave uncovered or pop an adhesive bandage over the area for two hours. If you see or feel any sign of reaction - redness, soreness, irritation or burning - rinse the area of skin immediately.
- After two hours wash the Colour Gel off your skin and keep an eye out for any sign of reaction as mentioned above for the next 48 hours. If you do not experience any reaction - happy colouring!
If any sign of reaction occurs please do not use our product and, if symptoms persist, please consult your doctor or pharmacist for medical support.